Archive for year: 2019
/0 Comments/in Uncategorized /by adminWe just passed the shortest day, the garlic has been in for a month now and looking like most of them have survived the birds🤗
Nearly there. Making some recycled furniture from my dad’s old bee boxes for the penthouse and playing around with some lighting
/0 Comments/in The Penthouse /by adminKeeping warm
/0 Comments/in the veggie patch /by admin
Coming up to the end of Autumn, there is nothing like digging over the beds ready for garlic and shallots.
/0 Comments/in Gardens /by adminEvery year we watch our trees grow and all that hard work is paying off. What a way to go into winter with a blaze of colour
Enjoying the sun streaming in on a cool foggy morning
/0 Comments/in Rehab 155 /by adminI try to walk every morning to 155 and see the day start in two places.
It’s our favourite time of year
Full steam ahead
/0 Comments/in the veggie patch /by admin




Tomatoes, pumpkin, chillies, capicums, eggplant,

Bit of a clean up after harvesting shallots, white mustard and celery seeds


Looking over the garden weeds and food growing together